Green Cast-In & Hi-Blue Collar
PROMASEAL® Hi-Blu Collar is available in THREE (3) sizes: 1) Small, for pipes up to nominal 65mm diameter 2) Medium, for pipes between the diameter of 65mm and 100mm 3) Large, for pipes of nominal 150mm diameter. PROMASEAL® Green Cast-in Collar is designed to be attached to formwork prior to pouring of the floor concrete. The collars have been tested with various types of plastic pipes in accordance with the criteria of AS 1530: Part 4: 2014 and AS 4072: Part 1: 2005 for up to 240 minute fire resistance in stack applications — with insulation up to 180 minutes on uPVC pipes and up to 240 minutes on selected HDPE pipes —through concrete/masonry floors with an equal or greater fire resistance level.
Size: 40mm, 50mm, 65mm, 80mm, 100mm
Category: Uncategorized